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Team History

Our Plymouth team was started for the 2014-2015 season.  We're now in our 4th season.  We are based at Plymouth Ice Center and we're grateful to Wayzata Youth Hockey Association for their generous donations of ice time each year.  We are also grateful to Minnetonka Youth Hockey for their donations of ice time this year.  Here's to a great season!

Plymouth Team with our new jerseys!

Kevin Marsherall


Jennifer Martin

Team Manager

Location: Plymouth Ice Center

Most of our home ice time is at Plymouth Ice Center, 3650 Plymouth Boulevard, Plymouth, MN 55446.

We had a great time with the Wayzata Boys Varsity and JV guys in late January.  We're so thankful for their support of our team!

We had a great time with the Wayzata Boys Varsity and JV guys in late January. We're so thankful for their support of our team!