Super Rink
1850 105th Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55449
Click here if you have not registered for the festival, but you still want to attend. Just show up at your team scheduled games, see your team calendar or this page. You will be added to a Sunday Jamboree team the week before the festival.
5:15pm: MSH games start
9:45am: MSH games start
5pm: Celebrity Game
5 or 6pm: Program, Dinner and Party - Expo Center (west of the rinks)
8:30am: MSH Games Start
2:45pm: Volunteer All-Star Game
Friday Sign Up:
Saturday Sign Up:
Sunday Sign Up:
Volunteer All-Star Game signup:
Medically Certified Professional Volunteer signup:
Date | Time | Home (Green) | Away (White) | Rink |
Fri, May 31 | 5:15pm | Blaine | Maple Grove | 2 |
Fri, May 31 | 6:30pm | Burnsville | Woodbury | 2 |
Fri, May 31 | 7:45pm | Edina | New Hope | 2 |
Sat, June 1 | 9:45am | St. Cloud | Lakeville/Alexandria | 2 |
Sat, June 1 | 10:30am | St. Michael/Brainerd | Rochester | 1 |
Sat, June 1 | 11:00am | Plymouth/Moorhead | Centennial/Duluth | 2 |
Sat, June 1 | 11:45am | Edina | Burnsville | 1 |
Sat, June 1 | 12:15pm | New Hope | Blaine | 2 |
Sat, June 1 | 1:00pm | Lakeville/Alexandria | St. Michael/Brainerd | 1 |
Sat, June 1 | 1:30pm | Centennial/Duluth | Maple Grove | 2 |
Sat, June 1 | 2:15pm | Woodbury | Plymouth/Moorhead | 1 |
Sat, June 1 | 2:45pm | Rochester | St. Cloud | 2 |
Sun, June 2 | 8:30am | Jamboree 1 (C) Green | Jamboree 1 (C) White | 2 |
Sun, June 2 | 9:45am | Jamboree 2 (BC) Green | Jamboree 2 (BC) White | 2 |
Sun, June 2 | 11:00am | Jamboree 3 (B) Green | Jamboree 3 (B) White | 2 |
Sun, June 2 | 12:15pm | Jamboree 4 (AB) Green | Jamboree 4 (AB) White | 2 |
Sun, June 2 | 1:30pm | Jamboree 5 (A) Green | Jamboree 5 (A) White | 2 |
Sun, June 2 | 2:45pm | Coach/Volunteer All-Star Game | 2 |
The link below has the players that indicated in their registration that they would be at the Hendrickson Festival on Sunday, June 2nd.
If your name is not on this list and you would like to be, please contact Jane at Players can just show up for their teams games on Friday and Saturday.
Goalies, please check in at the desk by Rink 2 so we know you are playing. We want to make sure we have at least 2 goalies at the games and will ask others to play extra games if necessary.
Skaters are allowed to only skate during one game on Sunday. If there are less than 10 skaters on a bench, organizers might ask for others to help. Please bring both jerseys in case the teams need to be evened. This is also the case for the games on Friday and Saturday.